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Violin over Sheet Music


From Small Town to Big City

El Wynne is a native of Cleveland, Ohio with a background in composition for visual media, arranging, and viola performance. While pursuing their high school diploma, Wynne earned the position of resident arranger at Cleveland Heights High School, arranging scores for ensembles ranging from jazz combos to full symphony orchestras. They served as a conductor’s assistant to Daniel Heim, preparing scores for rehearsal, formatting parts, and leading sectionals for the ensemble.  At the same time, they served as head band manager of the Cleveland Heights High School marching band, under the direction of Brett Baker and Andy Bennekamper. In this role, they served as the lead arranger and assistant of the ensemble. Wynne received numerous musical excellence awards for their conducting, composing, and arranging from their instrumental music department, and graduated with honors in the spring of 2017. 
After graduation, Wynne became a full-time staff member of the Reaching Heights Summer Music Camp. They serve as the program’s assistant arranger, under the direction of lead arranger Stew Pharis. In addition to arranging for the camp, they conduct string sectionals and auxiliary ensembles. This year, 2021, will mark their ninth year serving as staff at the camp. Wynne also serves as the conductor’s assistant and resident arranger for Strings Attached, an orchestra camp at Cuyahoga Community College in Ohio. They serve under camp directors Dianna Richardson and Laura Joss. 
Wynne is currently pursuing a degree in Film Scoring with a minor in Video Game Scoring from Berklee College of Music in Boston, Massachusetts. They currently serve as the program assistant for the Berklee Institute of Jazz and Gender Justice. They still travel home to Cleveland to serve in their roles during the summer months while not enrolled in classes.

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