How the past influences your future if you want it to.
When I was a kid, I always loved the unsung parts of movies and video games. People always talk about the story, but I wanted to talk about the sound effects and the music. That passion grew when I picked up the violin. My parents got me all of the play-along books to my favorite movie soundtracks. I still have them. I wanted to be immersed in this music at all hours of the day. As my creative tastes expanded, I started running out of play-along books. If no one was going to make the arrangements, it was up to me to do so.
When I started high school, I downloaded my first music notation software. I began arranging music from my favorite films, TV shows, and video games. I also started writing my own music, occasionally muting the TV to play along with whatever was on. After I graduated, it was time to make a decision: how can what I've been doing help me along my life's journey? That's why I chose video game scoring. I decided that if I could do this as a kid, what's stopping me from doing it as an adult?